And that wraps it up for Chapter Eleven! I’m going to take a couple of extra weeks off due to all things summer, so please look for Chapter Twelve to begin August 11th.
If you’re wondering why “Myrad” sounds familiar, why, it came up all the way back in Chapter One! And later on in that chapter as well, but I’ll let you hunt for it yourself.
Myrad… oh boy. (If things go bad, at least there’s someone on board who knows the language. A little.)
Speculation: the branching point between universes was a Myradi civil war. In the main TerSA universe, the isolationist faction won, while in the Hiawatha universe, the expansionist faction won.
Fun! Good luck with the summery stuff.
Just out of curiosity, how fast is the Galaxion’s means of faster-than-light communication compared to its method of FTL travel? Also, by what term is this communications technology known? I have Star Trek’s “subspace radio” in mind as I ask.
Subspace carrier pigeon?
Yay, we get to see the Myradi! Nice chekhov’s gun there.
It’s almost time! Eeee!