And here we go with the start of a new chapter! Thanks to all for your patience, and I hope you’re enjoying your summer as much as I have been.
We have been in our new digs for nearly 10 months and only this week have I finally managed to settle in to my new “studio”. I’m not fully moved in yet, but at least I have my own space to work again! Life is good.
Nice dress uniforms! I am wondering though, what the significance of the second pin on Vessa’s lapel is.
On further reflection, it probably signifies that she’s the SCT leader. Maybe?
Something I’m noticing now that I didn’t this morning: the IP crew are in their IP unis. (Note to self: this is supposed to make them *easy* to spot…)
It’s not a big plot device or anything (not like THE HAT
), but I guess it’s not terrifically obvious, either, so here’s your answer: it’s a pin for graduates of TerSA Academy. The short story Spring Break was set at the Academy (although I drew that story a long time ago and this symbol is more recent, so don’t go looking for it there!). Many TerSA employees come from the Academy, but not everyone goes that route. Aria didn’t.
The TerSA Academy emblem is just (to quote HardWearJunkie
) window dressing, so it may not have shown up in the comic yet. Although, if you happen to have the print version of Book Three, you’ll see it in Chapter Eight, in Carl’s flashback, p 55. For reasons I can’t recall, it doesn’t show up in the online version, though.
ACK… I didn’t even notice that!! That’s so sweet.
Ummm…. shouldn’t Vessa be on the right-hand side when viewed from the front? Or from the back, whichever? She appears to be on the left in both panels.
Darn it, I get so annoyed when I make a goof like that. And this is after already having to swap around a bunch of stuff in the next few pages, when I realized I’d got the placement wrong. I swear, you stare at these pages for so long working on them, you’d think you’d catch all the stuff like that before it goes live!
Thanks for pointing it out, at least I’ll get another chance to fix it before it goes to print.
It’s the hat… That is so sweet.
Ray Radlein is right about perspective seating of Vessa and Aria.
Oooh the hat… a lovely Chekov’s Gun stretching back to Chapter 3.
Lovely hat.
Wait. Does this page mean your summer thingy is over? Does that mean summer is over now? I WAS JUST BEGINNING TO ENJOY IT! *sniff*
The bottom frame is easy. Cut and paste, redraw the background to fit, and DONE! No fuss. No muss. It would just seem weird for the team commander to not sit next to the admiral.
@Fred: If you are referring to the “insignificant object that later turns out to be important” then I would have to disagree. Yes, it has been used in the past, but it is not important to the long form plot. Captain Mierter (Meter?) could have gone without the hat and we would not be put off by her silhouette (or we might have questioned the lack of hat as a missed opportunity). It’s great window dressing, but that’s it.
Fair enough. I was thinking that a bigger deal was made of the hat in Chapter 3 than you might have expected if it was not to appear again, and we now see the pay-off in Chapter 12.
Somehow Vessa looks more angry than sad here…I think it’s the eyebrows.
The captain is wearing the hat… wow, what a callback.
It’s nice to see my alter ego again, even if the occasion is a sad one
I’m very glad you were able to spot him.
You… you made Patty’s hat POIGNANT. That’s a good sign of good storytelling.
Ah! There’s the word I was looking for.
Wait. Do they have the same eye color? I can’t imagine them being fraternal twins separated at birth.