One week to go in the Galaxion: Volume 3 Indiegogo Campaign! We’ve reached our $6000 stretch goal, which is just so amazing. Can we make it to $7000? Can we find another 34 people to go for the “Lieutenant” level or above–which gets you a piece of art for a set of playing cards– so we can print up decks for everyone? Maybe it’s a long shot, but you never know what’s gonna happen in the final days. With all the funding levels we’ve achieved so far there are plenty of perks that have already been unlocked, so if you want to get in on the action, and get some of this fun stuff for yourself– not to mention the new book– act soon!
This week’s page: Briefing over! Whoof, that was a long one. It’ll be nice to have some different scenery, eh?
Oh, and if you find yourself wondering what lander Mal is talking about, you can re-read this scene from Chapter Seven. (Coincidentally, it’s a scene that will be appearing in the book being funded right now in the aforementioned Indiegogo Campaign. )
I’m with Anna: what just happened? Can’t wait for next week…
Yeah. That end of conversation’s got alarm bells going off in my head.
Curiouser and curiouser!
Wow, mad props for the logical decision winning out, Tara~!
Depends on who’s logic you want to follow.
For Scanvia the logical action is surely a scouting raid to determine whether troopers in space suits can just wade in an swat the butterflies.
Why do I have a feeling she’s going to do something hotheaded in an attempt to find her husband.
And there’s the thinking behind my skull’s internal alarm bells. Right there.
Lieutenant Niall reporting for duty!
Looks like you more than made that $7k goal. Woot!