There are just two weeks left in the Galaxion: Volume 3 Indiegogo Campaign!
I’ve heard from a number of contributors who are reeeeeaaly hoping to see us reach our stretch goal of $6000! They want to see the Galaxion: The Salmagundi Years e-book we’ll be offering, if we reach that goal, to all our supporters who pledged $10 or more. These were the very first Galaxion comics, printed as minicomics in 1993-1995. Want to see where it all began? This is the place.
Also in there in the list of hopeful goals is the set of Galaxion playing cards! 14 have been claimed as part of the contributor perks. They’re already getting a piece of original art– Galaxion characters drawn as playing cards (something like the Fusella Queen of Hearts I posted a couple years ago). If we get 52 contributors for these, we’ll take all the art and make an actual deck of cards which each person at the “Lieutenant” contributor level will receive. I’m already having lots of fun drawing the art. Each suit in the deck has an historical era associated with it, and the characters will all be dressed appropriately. Diamonds, for example, are going to be 15th Century. Here’s the sketch for the King of Diamonds:
I’ll just leave that there to tempt you all…
Oooooh. Good question. I didn’t see that coming.
I will certainly be hugely disappointed if the campaign doesn’t crack the $6k mark. I really don’t want to have to stump up $250 for paper copies. So get in and pledge guys.
Protocol aside, I think the captain has the right idea. The really have no guarantee they’ll be able to make it back here – if they’re going to rescue their comrades, it has to be done now.
A sudden needed spending will push my Lieutenant level contributing til next week, but it WILL happen!
Congratulations on reaching $6000 with over a week to go.