The Indiegogo campaign for Galaxion: Volume 3 has launched!
To all of you who have been looking forward to Volume 3 in print, now’s your chance to help us out by contributing to the campaign. There are lots of fun incentives available: getting your name printed in the book’s Thank You page, original art, and– my favourite– a chance to become immortalized as a member of the Galaxion crew!
You can help us out even more by spreading the word. Over here at Galaxion HQ it’s just the two of us, and we’re both pretty quiet and reserved by nature. Crowdfunding, however, is most definitely an extrovert’s game! So if you are the blogging or Tweeting or Facebooking type, you could give us a big boost by letting others know that Galaxion is a fun comic, and that they can get a great deal on all three books through the campaign.
Oh, and meanwhile, here’s a new page for you, too.
Alex doesn’t look like he’s too sure…
YAY! Too tired at the moment to go look at the campaign, but will first thing tomorrow.
As a side note to that: I never made the effort to get a new non-round-window copy of Book 1, or a copy of Book 2. I don’t suppose that will be one of the options…? (It was for the Amya campaign, so just thought I’d ask…)
Insectoid, yes, indeed, there is a level for all 3 books – they can all be yours for $50! And I’m sure they’ll all be personalized too, knowing Tara.
And… done! I’m onboard.
Wait, if they performed a second jump, why wasn’t there ANOTHER feedback surge? If they could jump in a normal vessel without a feedback surge, there was no need for the Galaxion to start with…
Also, that still doesn’t explain why Pathfinder moved in space. …Unless the feedback between the two engines is what actually moved the ship in space.
I love that last little panel. “Probably” indeed! Also, great work on the central panel, it’s almost as if I were there.
I’ll be ensigning as soon as money is available! I already have nearly all the other printed materials as it is…
Maybe there’s some sort of dimensional momentum? So it’s easier to jump back to your proper dimension than to jump to a new one? But how does that work with people who’ve lived for years in an alternate dimension, then? Or had kids there?
Heh. “Probably.”
I was sorely tempted by the higher tiers, but unfortunately am just not in a place where I can afford them.
Still, I chipped in a little.
I don’t know about you guys, but I want to see that Galaxion card deck become a reality. What a great idea!
Hi Tara!
Wish I had more to give right now, as I love Galaxion, but hopefully every bit helps
Made my donation to your Indiegogo campaign
– Kev
I love his face in the final panel. I have seen that face many times when engineers aren’t sure what is about to happen.
Wow! I was really nervous prior to launching this campaign, but I am both stunned and humbled by how far we’ve already come. We’re already one-quarter to our goal after only one day! Thank you so much to all who’ve contributed, recommended, shared and retweeted. You guys are all so awesome.
Two questions about the IndieGogo,
1) What if I want the card art, but already have Vol I & II? Can I trade them in for something else of lesser value? (I understand you can’t do two card reward levels, because it would screw up the counting.)
2) Does USA count as “overseas”?
Well, of course you could gift the volumes you’ve already got to your local library (
), but I’m sure we could work something out, no problem.
No, USA does not count as overseas. There isn’t really as much difference as you might imagine between shipping stuff to another province as to the States. Canada Post is weird that way.
Two comments on today’s page :
1) I’m not buying it.He’s making that up. Didn’t the Jump require massive amounts of energy to be poured into the drive? They did that a second time without realizing it?
2) Pathfinder engineers wear REALLY elaborate safety harnesses. The loop that goes under the boots would drive me crazy.
I really love this comic. Just signed up as cadet on the Indiegogo campaign to get myself a copy of book 3. Now to make some room on the bookshelf next to book 1 & 2.
Militarily speaking they should now go home as soon as possible, regardless of almost anything.
Once the people at home know of this their victory will be cemented and they can put together an expedition to assist their human allies against the enemy (I would call what the butterflies are doing as ‘war’ because they have enslaved those under their influence).
Not that diplomacy with the butterflies aren’t possible, but they need reinforcements and quarantine procedures, etc. etc., and they must leave this tremendously valuable knowledge with the backup.
Well, that depends on who is now in charge. Admiral Nelson and Fusella (according to my memory) agreed that the admiral is in charge so long as the mission is about the hyperdrive. It seems the situation is changing and, thus, their agreement would transfer leadership to Fusella.
Then again, leadership goes to whoever Tara decides. I’d like to see Zan end up with leadership, although many, MANY people would have to be incapacitated for that to happen.
I meant to add that Admiral Nelson seems to go by the book, Fusella runs her ship as she sees fit. Her decisions might differ from military traditions.
And I fail at English here, yet again…
The disaster that would have to occur to leave Zan in charge of the ship would be truly epic, but imagining him at it is pretty entertaining! For the record, though, the next one down in Fusella’s chain of command– which is to say, excluding Scavina and her IP team– is Jerran, who usually runs navigations.
I remember Jerran from the printed comics I purchased ’bout 12 years ago. Has he made an appearance in the online comic recently?
I believe that’s Jerran to Anderson’s right, in the 2nd panel. He’s kind of the quiet type. You have to be, sometimes, if you’re 2nd to Fusella!
I believe that’s Jerran to Anderson’s right, in the 2nd panel. He’s kind of the quiet type. You have to be, sometimes, if you’re 2nd to Fusella!
So quiet that he vanishes completely on page 305.
p. 304, yeah. And he’s not even the only one in that room who has mastered this amazing trick! (Sigh…)