I can hardly believe I’m typing this, but here we are one mere week after the launch of our Indiegogo Campaign for Galaxion: Volume 3, and we’re already over 80% funded! We’ve even unlocked two perk bonus levels since I posted last week’s announcement, one at 50% and the second at 75%. We’re really close to unlocking the third level when we get to 100%!
This week’s page: I know it’s been a long briefing (it’ll be over soon!) but we saw Scavina give Carl her com button earlier in this chapter.
Heck, they’re a spaceship. They ought to have space suits lying around, which ought to protect pretty well against Miesti bites, right?
Scavina wants to be the hero? Or is her caution (go home, get help, come back) overwhelmed by the hope that Jeff could be alive and well, even if slave to Miesti.
How long would it take to refit a sufficient number of IP and/or TerSA ships with sufficient “troop” or “medevac” capacity for what Gen. Nelson might have in mind?
Neither, I suspect. Scavina has always viewed recovering the Hiawatha crew – alive or dead – as her duty (see pgs. 84-86). The existence of the Miesti complicates matters but her duty remains the same.
Going back and pleading for an interdimensional rescue mission – which may or may not spark an interdimensional war – is extremely chancy. Remember that the Nelson project was already a political hot potato before this test; Scavina had to spend 8 years campaigning just for a second shot, and another 2 to get a third test on the Galaxion. How eager would she be to spend another 10 years fighting the Powers That Be for a fourth try, especially if she thinks the Hiawatha survivors may not have that much time?
In the immortal words of Miles Vorkosigan/Naismith: “Never send interim reports, only final ones. Interim reports tend to elicit orders. Which you must then either obey, or spend valuable time and energy evading, which you could be using to solve the problem.”
That said, I doubt the Galaxion crew would just jump right into the fray. I can hear Fusella’s objections already and we haven’t reached the next page yet!
Tara: wonderful news about the Indiegogo campaign! I’m glad Galaxion is doing so well.
I think that’s very likely what Scavina is planning. I doubt the others will be willing to go along with it, though…
Well, she now knows that most of the missing crew members have been kidnapped by Miesti— maybe she sees it as her duty to rescue them, since they won’t be coming back?
Hopefull we’ll soon get back to our two infected escapees from the planet, with their mind reading abilities.
I like how the expressions are a mix between shock, alarm, concern, and a facepalm.
I think that Fred has nailed it. There are beaucoup reasons to refer this to HQ for backup in accordance with by-the-book protocol. I also think that Scavina may have lost her objectivity and is planning to go after Jeff herself. How emo.. Hopefully, she won’t endanger the mission and a lot of lives in doing so.
Great news about the campaign, Tara! Glad I could help out.
Love the expressions in that last panel. I can see Fusella’s reaction now: “And you accused me of bending contact team rules! What are you thinking?!?“
So, I am obviously going to get in on that indiegogo campaign. Just as soon as I’ve decided what level I’m going to dump my monies on
In the meantime, out of curiosity: If, hypothetically, I were to go higher than $100 lieutenant, is that still going to count towards the number of contributors for the deck? I’m just wondering because there is only going to be a limited number of original art pieces from the deck, and in that case, presumably the higher levels will receive one of those as well? Or maybe not? It just seems a bit tricky to keep track of (unless Indiegogo supports that kind of trickery).
Thanks, PG! All the levels on the Indiegogo campaign include the goodies from the previous, or lower, levels. It ramps up! So any amount higher than $100 will get you some original art, and will bring the Galaxion playing card deck one card closer to reality!
We never did figure out a way for the site to automatically track the numbers across all the different levels, though. So we’re watching it and will adjust the number available as necessary. 12 cards claimed, 40 more to go!
Right. Made a decision. I guess it’s time to adjust those numbers again
Also, I think I ended up pushing it over the 125% boundary.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and get used to being hungry for the rest of the month.
Pigtail Guy: If you go higher than $100, you get a card so it counts towards the number of contributors for the deck. As people contribute at higher levels, we lower the number of Lieutenant spots available so that the total still adds up to 54 max (52 cards plus 2 jokers). That’s why Lieutenant now shows “out of 49″ instead of “out of 54″ as it did at the beginning.
You get to be in the comic (with your pigtails?), you lucky guy. Can’t wait to see the page.
Well. Lucky, vain, wasteful. Pick your choice
It’s high time I threw a bit of money at Galaxion, though.
And we’ll see about the pigtails (or horsetails? not always sure what to call them). But probably, I guess. I don’t think it would be entirely out of place on the Galaxion, except that most of the guys do seem to have somewhat shorter haircuts
You could be one of the orehu or from the Hiawatha crew. They might have pigtails or horsetails.
Yay! This will be very cool. I’m already looking forward to placing you in the crew, pigtails (or ponytails) and all. PG, we must talk!
And thank you!
That we must! I’m assuming at the very least that you will want some reference photos to draw from at some point
Presumably, you will contact me somehow through indiegogo, and then we can take it from there?
Also, now you just need 41 more lieutenant contributors for a deck of cards! Go people, go! I want playing cards!
BTW, thanks for getting us to 125 percent so we can all see the “In the making”.
What is up with the time stamps on these comments? I was up way to early but not at 3:20am.
She could jump back, send data files to Earth and then jump back immediately.
Her judgment may be clouded by the loss of her husband, and there is the military tradition of not leaving people behind.
Still, she should go and just disobey orders and come back. It would very likely lead to interim orders, but they’ve already successfully accomplished the primary objective, which was not to recover the Pathfinder, but to test the hyperdrive.
The knowledge of interdimensional travel could be lost to humans for who knows how long or perhaps even permanently, or it could end up in the hands of the butterflies, and Earth would never know unless they decided to travel to Earth for whatever reason.
There is always the risk that they might not get back to the original universe. Or that something could go wrong on the jump. Or that something could go wrong on the attempt to jump back to the Miesti universe. Getting everyone out now is looking like a better idea all the time…