UPDATE 1 January 2013:
I’m really sorry to have to bow out of my promise to begin Chapter Ten today, but some sad events have kept me here in the States. My family and I made a special trip to spend the holidays with my parents, because my mom was very ill. We were able to spend some time with her before she passed away on December 28th. The suddenness of her passing took us all by surprise, and as a result we have extended our stay. As deeply saddened as I am, I cannot help but be grateful we happened to be here to help my dad through these difficult times.
For Galaxion, the New Year will begin on Tuesday, January 15th. I hope you will all join me then for the next update and the beginning of Chapter Ten at last!
Wow! I can hardly believe we’ve reached the end of Chapter Nine at last! The next update will bring not only the start of a new chapter, but the start of a new book and the start of a whole new section of plot that– unlike the story up til now– has never before seen publication in any form. Very exciting!
Since we’re embarking on a brand new journey, it only makes sense to me– since we’re already halfway through December– to time the launch for the beginning of the new year. What does that mean for you, gentle reader? It means the next two weeks will be a holiday break (wherein I continue to work behind-the-scenes), and regular updates will resume Tuesday, January 1st, all happy and shiny for 2013.
So please enjoy your holidays, and thank you very much for reading. We’ll see each other again soon!
Yay, they got the lander working!
Going on break early?? Wah. It does make sense, though.
See you in 2013!
Hope you’re not going to be slaving away on the January pages too much – much as I want to see what happens next please don’t neglect the kids Christmas entirely. It wouldn’t help in the long run.
P.S. Any idea when the next physical book’s likely to be out?
I don’t have a date yet for Book 3, but we’re aiming for the spring. Certainly by May.
Oh that’d be nice, just in time for my birthday. I’ll have to meet you somehow to get it signed like the first two
I hope to get a chance to do that for you!
Also, I am always happy to oblige requests for signatures in any books ordered through the Galaxion store.
I have not read the original pages, so I was kinda hoping Aria and Zan were found by the Miesti.
Also, gotta love this design. Harkens back to the NASA lunar landers.
Yeah, I figured maybe something like that too, but then I remembered Mal and Co (or Anna and Co?) were last seen trying to rejig the lander and figured Zan’s efforts with the communicator had to be going towards that. Still I’m sure the Miesti will be turning up soon enough to wreak more havoc (if that is what they are doing
Anna and Mal were negotiating – Fusella’s word for it! – re: the lander and assorted repairs to Galaxion‘s engine room, last we saw them…
Yeah, it does, though I can’t quite place it what made me think of that first rather than the Mars Science Laboratory lander (it’s a sky crane!). By the way, nice effect on the trees, Tara.
Rocket Powered Skycrane’s FTW!!
WOOT!! I’ll be pumped for ALL-NEW GALAXION!!
Also, love the feel of crackly speakers! So simple, elegant, and effective!
Lander successfully repaired!
It’s good to know we will be in uncharted (for us, old readers) from now on! That’s an excellent gift for the New Year!
So, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a a really good and full of accomplishments year 2013!!!
Sorry, the word “territory” is missing after the parentheses…Upps!
I like how the lander has “Property of…” emblazoned on it. Just in case someone comes along and goes “Woo! Free lander!”.
I did have some thoughts about why TerSA would want to print that there… but your explanation is funnier.
It may even be as much part of the truth as your own ideas.
One additional thought: someone is likely to try to build something in SketchUp, DAZ Studio, Blender or somesuch 3D design package based on this panel…
Sounds like a good time to suggest to Tara that she put up some fan art submissions between now and Jan 1. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge!
Enjoy your break, Tara.
Two week break?
You can’t fool me! I know what you’re really doing! You’re restarting the comic from the beginning again, aren’t you!
I’ve already been forced to swear, multiple times, from many different people, on pain of some very harsh words indeed, that I would never ever do that again.
I must be suffering memory loss, I thought we’ve been in new material for the last year or so.
It’s been new material for me as well. Not entirely sure, but I think the distribution of printed material, at least in the UK, collapsed a bit before the comic finally went away. Or perhaps the shop I was buying from then, which was a bit rubbish, stopped ordering something only I bought.
Sol – Perhaps you didn’t get all the printed issues? Galaxion originally ceased publication with issue eleven. As I recall, it ended with Aria and Zan on the run.
Dwight – I think that is a second lander from Galaxion. The ship has no transporter technology (that we’ve heard of). The original landing party is deep under ground and unable to pick up communications signals. Also, I doubt the General or Vessa would ever greet Aria and Zan so flippantly after knowing the two have been assaulted and kidnapped for a Fate Worse Than Death.
Tara – Thank you very much and please enjoy your well-deserved break. Happy Holidays.
True, issue #11 (the cover of which you can see on the Bibliography page if you scroll down a bit, and which if anyone’s curious about you can buy as part of a set in the Store or singly if you ask me nicely
) ended with Zan and Aria still on their own. So technically, with this pickup, we’re already covering new ground!
My sincere condolences on your loss, Tara. Take as much time as you need.
And I should note that January 13 is a Sunday. The 15th is the Tuesday.
Fixed. Thanks!
My condolences as well Tara, and no doubt from all of us. Our thoughts are with you at this time.
My thoughts are with you, Tara. Do take all the time you need. We’ll be here when the comic returns. *hugs*
Take your time. Condolences.
Family ALWAYS comes first. That is one rule in life that never changes.
And, my condolences added to everyone elses as well. *hugs*
Sorry for your loss, but good you could be there.
My condolences on your loss.
As one who lost both parents, I feel for you and your family.
We can wait for the cartoon to update.
You take the time you need to support yourself and your family in your time of sorrow!
Condolences to you and your family, Tara
My condolences. I’m very sorry for your loss.
Take your time, we’ll be here for you…
I’m sorry for your loss. As the others have said, take your time. We’ll still be here.
I’m so sorry to hear about your mum. Take whatever time you need – we understand, and will wait. (Even if the suspense is spleen-splitting….). *Virtual hugs if you want ‘em*
My condolences to you and your family on your loss, Tara.
I’m glad you were there for your mother before she passed away. Prayers and thoughts with you and your clan in this trying time.
My condoleances, Tara. You take your time, I hardly think any of us expects you to cut your grief short just to entertain us. Besides, our thoughts will be with you, so it’s like you’re not even taking a break.
Tara, you have my condolences and my prayers. I hope that a gentle hand will rest on the shoulder of you and your family in your time of grief.
I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a loved is never easy, whatever the circumstances. My prayers for your mother and your family.
I wish there were words that really helped. My condolences. As others said, take the time you need.
Like everyone else has said, Tara, you have our deepest sympathy. I’m glad that you got to spend time with your Mom and are there to comfort your Dad. Best to you and your family.
I am SO sorry for your loss, Tara! All of my hopes and prayers for you and your family.