Complete Set of Galaxion Comics

$35 (shipping included) within Canada or the continental US, $40 overseas
For the Galaxion completist! Here are all 13 issues of the Galaxion comic book that were published from 1997 through 1999, plus issue #16 of Thieves and Kings which featured the 9-page prologue that was a teaser for the series. The cover to the first issue is shown here, but you can see all the cover art (with a little scrolling) in the Bibliography. In the fine tradition of classic comic books, in these pages you’ll find editorials, letters pages, bonus features, and back-up stories. The cover art for all these comics (except the Flip Book) were hand painted, since I had no clue about digital colouring back then.
14 comic books, 10×6.5 inches, 16-32 pages each (most are 24 pages), b/w interiors.
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