Jax Augustus was first mentioned in Chapter Four and then again in Chapter Five. Actually, twice in Chapter Five. And I have a nagging feeling I’m overlooking another mention, too. He’s a little bit like a running gag in this comic (apart from not actually being funny). EDIT: It turns out I missed a whole bunch of Jax references, including getting his first “appearance” wrong. *blush* See the comments below for further details.
If you’re interested in re-reading Carl’s story about what happened to the Hiawatha, it begins here.
Given the way the Miesti were talking in private and the incredibly sloppy security making contextual sense I believe whoever’s following them is not doing so on the preplanned behalf of the Miesti.
Also, poor Aria… I’m sure Zan will have some nice words.
The other mention of Jax Augustus is in a flashback in Carl’s story.
Now how did I miss that one? Thanks, Fred!
Google is your friend. It is the third result when searching for…
site:galaxioncomics.com myradi
because your loyal readers comment on the Myradi whenever you mention them in the comic.
*slaps forehead* That’s brilliant! And easy as that, the other Jax Augutus reference I was thinking of is here in Chapter 3.
And, darn it, I was even wrong about the first mention of the man. It was actually way back in Chapter 1. Twice in Chapter 1.
Canon comprehension of the applicable trope(s) has been achieved. Probably too defeatist for the story, though. In agreement with cwDeici that Zan will probably find a way to restore hope.
I wouldn’t characterize Jax Augustus as being analogous to a running joke. In the Galaxion universe, he’s a legend, and a legend whose work ties directly in with what our heroes are doing, so of course his name is going to come up. It’s like musicians mentioning Frank Sinatra or the Beatles, or a hockey player mentioning Gordie Howe. Someone else can come up with better analogies than those, I’m sure.
Yes, that sounds much nicer.
I guess I have a different view of him because whenever I bring him up in the script, I always imagine Vessa’s inevitable (if not actually pictured) eyeroll.
Given how silly I think Augustus’s rules are, I have to agree with Vessa’s eyeroll. Then again, I figure the best diplomacy is gunboat diplomacy, so what do I know.
For whatever good or bad things you might say about “Big Stick Diplomacy”, it’s really only a viable plan after you’ve determined that the other party doesn’t come from a world where everyone carries a telephone pole.
I get the impression that the person in question was either very lucky or exceptionally brilliant to make a first contact go down well. Probably both.
Especially nice artwork this week, Tara! That last panel is particularly well done!
Hey now! Don’t lose faith now!
Think how much better this would have gone if a Survey Team had discovered the Miesti before the Hiawatha crew was shipwrecked with them!
By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask a nerdy question : Do the Survey Teams get much chance to wear those field uniforms they’ve got on? I would imagine most of their missions would involve pressure suits?
That’s a good question! A lot of their assignments would indeed involve pressure suits, but not always. Depends on the mission.
Aria, what makes you think that is a choice?