First contact– harder than you think.
I’ve got some more guest appearances of Galaxion in other webcomics that I’d like to share! In Between Places (a lovely painted-style fantasy story), one of the characters has very good taste in books. And over in the crazy world of terrence n. tijuana, I can totally relate to that pilot, because I never check mine either! Haha!
Be sure to come back on Friday for that First-Friday-of-the-Month update!
Hmmm… Is this a clue? Are the Myradi insectoid?
He’s got a point, no need to snap at him Aria.
They are on Earth, or at least on one Earth. They know what mosquitoes are. If anything ,they should have brought mosquito nets and used them. God knows what mutated virus they’d get infected with. Hell, they should have come in environment suits.
Sandflies. If this is New Zealand, it’ll be sandflies. Can’t cross west of the moubtains without being set upon by thousands of the little biters!
…yeah. It really IS harder than you think.