Although General Nelson’s knowledge of the Miesti came from her chat with Vanguarthe, we learned a lot more about the Miesti in Chapter Nine.
Convention appearance! I’ll be at the Ottawa Comiccon May 10-12! I heard a lot of amazing things about this show last year, so I’m really looking forward to attending. I was at Can-Con in Ottawa last year (and will be again this October), but I think the last time I went to a proper comic show in Ottawa was a couple decades ago. It’s good to see our nation’s capital get its own show at last. Come out and say hi if you’re in the area!
And now I’m going to gush all fangirl-like about a real adventure in space: Cmdr. Chris Hadfield’s recent video from the International Space Station about what happens when you wring out a wet towel in space has made the rounds on social media this past week, but in case you haven’t seen it you should take three minutes out of your day and watch, because it’s cool and not at all the kind of physics lesson you’re used to. And if you have seen it, did you know there’s a whole collection of equally cool videos from his ISS mission? Check out the Canadian Space Agency’s YouTube channel. Fangirl squeeeee!
Finally getting used to the colours.
Wait… is that Alex getting an appearance with the back of his head towards us in the bottom panel?
Yup, Alex is back! Or Alex’s back, whichever. He’s also in the background on p.303. And also the one before that, for that matter.
Is Alex sceptical?
Good question!
I really like the logical difference between those who were on the surface and those who remained on the ship. Those who were on the surface – like Nelson – have seen enough to freely entertain (if not fully believe) things like mind control. Those on the ship, who have never seen how it was down there, are understandably more skeptical, more willing to dismiss the unproven.
I LOVE it.
Thanks! And let me tell you, when writing a story this protracted, it is so easy to screw that up!
I catch myself all the time making blunders about who knows what, and I’m grateful when I’m lucky enough to catch ‘em before they go too far.
Just keeping track of what you guys (the readers) know vs. what I know– as in, be careful with the unintentional spoilers– is difficult enough!
Ottawa Comic-Con and the Toronto Comic Arts Festival are the same weekend. Either someone wasn’t paying attention, or there’s some kind of rivalry going on…
Yeah, I was kinda cheesed about that, when I finally realized. TCAF has kept the same weekend– Mother’s Day weekend– for many years now, so it couldn’t have been a surprise. I’m hoping next year the Ottawa show will be able to pick a different weekend because I’m sure I’m not the only creator wishing she could attend both shows.
Missed this page. Like how Fusella’s head has a “halo”.