I think I will have to adjust the Miesti dialogue for the print version, since the legibility is definitely an issue. But in the meantime, here is what they have to say:
“please be careful, uuiath. remember what happened to eheyal. our numbers are so few as it is.”
“if we had simply taken them firmly the first time, as i suggested, eheyal would still be with us!”
“we can’t do that anymore! the symbiants get too upset.”
“and see the price we paid! that’s what your “gentle waves” have brought us.”
“enough! your bickering serves no one, and we must focus. straighten her.”
Is a “symbiant” anything like a “symbiont”?
@Ray: That would be the proper spelling, yes.
I shudder to think what they mean by “straightening” her… :O
I suddely picture tiny butterfly-people trying to teach her good posture.
It’s funny, it seems perfectly readable to me, but maybe that’s because I look at old books a lot!
I agree
I also agree! I hope the change is somewhat minimal.
Reads fine to me. Well, the main converstion anyway. If we’re supposed to be able to make sense of the threads of background conversation then I can’t, but I’d assumed that was just showing that there were many conversational lines going on at once, some just whispers and echoes.
Ditto. Although changing the ls to look slightly less like the ss might not hurt.
I would have so much fun coloring this page if I could. Pretty butterfly-things, psychotropic communication, and floaty hair. Seriously fun stuff here.
I seem to read “I sure hope she’s okay” on the lower left side… is that really written there or are the Miesti taking me over?
Ambivalent – Now that you translated it, I’m reading the same thing. I suppose the Local Guy is worried about Lt. Tremaine, his obvious friend who got brainzapped by Yssala. I’m also looking at his body language where he is patting Tremaine’s former chair protectively. Local Guy has no reason to care about Aria.
I just looked after you pointed it out and yeah, I can see it too. Barely, but it defently looks like its there
Are we seeing signs that there are no bad guys and that everyone is a victim? The Miesti are stuck on this planet with no way to escape. The Rautani are the Miesti’s slaves. The Orehu are stuck in their underground lairs. The Hiawatha crew are stuck in an alternate universe.