Or the thing that creates the signal was destroyed. Not that it’s likely, but it is possible. It could also have simply run out of power, but I find that even more unlikely.
I agree. But the most likely causes are those two, followed by the device haven been destroyed.
But that’s not including the further possibilities if there are any cats involved ! !
Trying to contact the ship, I’d guess.
The signal wouldn’t drop unless it was far away or shielded.
Or the thing that creates the signal was destroyed. Not that it’s likely, but it is possible. It could also have simply run out of power, but I find that even more unlikely.
I agree. But the most likely causes are those two, followed by the device haven been destroyed.
But that’s not including the further possibilities if there are any cats involved ! !
And no one else noticed the Aba – Cus?
or the people in the background sitting on the hard, dirty, concrete floor
Hey, they’re the bit players in this comic: its their job to do that sort of thing- do they look like they’re complaining?
I think there is some paraphernalia missing on the bottom of the last panel. Where are all the wires and gizmos?
Maybe he put them away?
Zan, your cool is slipping.
… if “cool” has ever been the word for it…