I know, I said this week was going to be the start of my holiday and I wasn’t going to post a page, but I realized that it was unfair to leave you all hanging puzzled after that last page, when just one more would at least finish the scene. So here you are. Merry Christmas! So here’s what going to happen, site-wise: I shall not post a page next Tuesday (Dec 28th). I’ll put up a new page on Jan 4th, but then I’ll skip the January “First-Friday-of-the-Month” update, and then continue on as normal in the New Year. (“What?” I hear you say, “You call this normal?” )
I hope everyone who is celebrating has a most excellent Christmas and a joyous New Year. Enjoy the snow if you’ve got it. My kids claim they can’t get enough snow, because we’ve got some sleds and other snow toys that are waiting anxiously for a good few inches on the ground so they can be used, and big plans for forts and giant Calvin (of Calvin & Hobbes)-style snowmen. But on the other hand, they’ve never had four feet of snowfall dumped on them (and I, thank heaven, have never had to shovel that much at once!).
::bemused expression:: Either Ewan is talking about an actual cat (we know Patty has one), or my prediction of Alex showing up in this chapter is right on the mark.
Or, I could be completely wrong.
And no FFOTM? Oh the Horrah! S’okay.
Please do build Calvin-style bizarre snowmen Tara, and post some photos for us to enjoy!
My kids are complaining that we DO have too much snow. Too deep for their favorite sled. Too deep to run and throw snowballs (its more of a slow slog as you struggle to pull your knees out.) So deep that if you make a snow angel, you might not get up again unless a sibling is close by and in a helping mood.
On the other hand, I think this is a PERFECT amount of snow, because after half an hour outside they are tired enough NOT to play “Jumping out of the volcano kickboxing tag” in the living room for the rest of the day.
Thanks for the surprise update, Tara!
I’m guessing that we are talking about a real cat here?
- Kev
Looks like…
Why is the captain so cheerful and not in panic mode? She has a team in the planet that is unaccounted for.
I’ve been reading this comic for about 8 months now, and I look forward to every update! Great comic!
At last! Someone to blame for this whole mess- “The cat did it!”
She’s probably been wandering around inside the drive hunting for mousies.
This wouldn’t be Schrödinger’s Cat, would it? That would make this whole story a bad thought experiment. Or dis-proven.
Well, your kids can have some snow from Germany, we have plenty this year (it’s said that where I live there’s more snow than in any year since the start of the weather records more than 100 years ago).
Merry christmas & a happy new year to all!