Rake guy, you are pwned.
And if you find yourself wondering why the extensible probe that Vessa takes off of Zan is sturdy enough for a good whack while Aria’s snapped in two, I will call your attention to this scene early in Chapter Four.
Rake guy, you are pwned.
And if you find yourself wondering why the extensible probe that Vessa takes off of Zan is sturdy enough for a good whack while Aria’s snapped in two, I will call your attention to this scene early in Chapter Four.
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Heh. Custom probe.
You know, a certain someone’s birthday is fast approaching. There will be proper celebration, I hope?
I’m guessing they got that probe war surplus from the B5 Rangers.
So Rake and Fork guys are speaking in… Alt-Earthease, or Zombie?
Alt-Earthese – looks too complex for Zombie.
(How many variations of “Rhurrr Arrrr Braiiinnnnss” are there, anyway?
They arnt zombies. Just stupid.
Perhaps this why there are so many space abductions.
The aliens have learnt that there is no point in talking to the local rednecks?!
I never thought this would be a statement I’d ever find the need to make, but… for anyone who’s been wondering, Galaxion is an undead-free comic!
@Insectoid: Yes, a certain red-haired character does indeed have a birthday coming up. And I’m sure she’s feeling slighted, not having appeared in the story since p. 92. If anyone wants to help celebrate, I’m sure she’d appreciate the extra attention…
Thanks for the reference…I had forgot about his custom probe.
As for rake guy being pwned, maybe not. Anybody else notice a second rake guy coming in from the tree line on the third panel? Our team is about to get swarmed. Where’s the Star Trek transporters when you need them?
Of course I’m curious as to all the rake guys’ knee-jerk responses of attacking somebody unknown. You generally don’t get that way without experience. People are obviously fighting for survival here.
Chekov’s Extensible Probe?
Instead of trying to fence with these guys, Vessa, a nice sharp poke in the face with the end of the probe while they rear back to swing at you will do much for your cause. Less likely to break your probe that way as well, no matter how much sturdier it is compared to the other model.
Of course now that the medic is down, hoe much medical knowledge is left in the team to help her?
I swear that was an accident, and not brought on by the recent influx of farming implements to the story.
Go Scavina! To tell the truth, I didn’t like her all that much when the story started (a certain feisty Captain is my fav!), but since the team hit the planet, she’s been awesome
Pull though Patty!
– Kev
@Quieteyes: Yeah, that sure is weird, isn’t it?
@J. Wilde: Aw, y’know, just call a spade a spade.
@Kev: I know what you mean. Even I’m surprised sometimes when background characters suddenly pop out of the woodwork and become fun (example: Mal). And I’m the writer!
I wonder most whether Patty actually remembered that there was a stronger probe or whether she was just lucky?
And also I hope that the General and Zan had some basic self defense training — would be imaginable with the IP having a more military background…
Zan, though, does not look like he was in a state of mind to react right now
Hmm. Maybe the Hiawatha went farther back in time than Galaxion did, and these are the crew’s distant descendants?
So they might be attacking because the Hiawatha is, like, some kind of holy shrine!
Sorry, just letting my imagination run away with me.
Either that or the Hiawatha is responsible for turning the world into a giant Mad Max set, and the survivors aren’t terribly enamored of a sequel…
She hit him with ma gun!
I is soooooo observant. The 2nd guy from the tree line is the one in the last panel. You can tell by the rake designs. So he’s already in the fight. Ah, well. Still, it does bring the possibility of more.
I must confess that my first thought was that these are crewmembers from the Hiawatha (something about the jacket). In which case, maybe they’re being attacked a lot because they’re outsiders. Or maybe they accidentally did bring about the end of civilization as they knew it.
Okay, I guess I have to do it…
Happy Birthday Fusella!!! ::throws confetti and streamers:: Chocolate cake is thataway.
Fu may break the fourth wall now.
Thank you, Insectoid! At least SOMEBODY remembered! I’ve spent all morning baking cookies (’cause, you know, I like to bake, and I always give them out to my crew on my birthday), but I’ve sent aside a full dozen cookies for you! Enjoy!
Thanks Fu!
And here I thought Fusella was just sitting around on Valentine’s Day, playing Solitare and watching the screen saver on the Galaxion’s main screen, and whatever else she does when Captain-ing a ship that goes nowhere and does nothing for months
Happy Birthday, Fusella! Enjoy your self-made cookies
Wow, Zan’s messing about with equipment proved beneficial? At least, when combined with Vessa’s quick thinking and grasp of the fundamentals of jōdō…
It’s a good thing Zan’s got his head in the clouds all the time, a more grounded person might become insufferable from such vindication…