This Friday is the first Friday of the month, but I think this month I’m going to call the Galaxion Halloween 2009 special my extra contribution, since it was nearly within the same week….
This Friday is the first Friday of the month, but I think this month I’m going to call the Galaxion Halloween 2009 special my extra contribution, since it was nearly within the same week….
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This is such a great series–I just nominated you for best long form comic on thewebcomiclist!
Shrewd negotiation, indeed!
No Friday post?? Whatever will we do?
Wow, Joe, thank you!
Ahhhh, way to make me feel guilty, Insectoid!
Well, at least she wasn’t on the ship itself…
I’m a little confused… Does this mean she lost a Daughter too?
Oh… no. I meant to imply that Hilena (her daughter) probably knew that she would never be allowed to stay on the Hiawatha, and what she was really angling for was an opportunity to watch the launch from the good vantage point on the Horus space station (where all the “important people” would be), instead of being sent somewhere else– like back down to the IP base on the planet (which happens to be Mars, if you’re curious)– because she’s just a kid.
So Hilena was on Horus Station along with Scavina when the Hiawatha apparently exploded.
Aw, nuts. Did I confuse you all? *goes back to re-read the flashback scenes*
Wow. That’s gotta to hurt.
Not only do you lose your husband but your daughter may take it out on you when she watches her dad ship explode. The way Scavina has been acting, I’m guessing she would probably be cold to her daughter when she goes to try to comfort her after the explosion. Thus losing her.
I had a neighbor that lost his wife to a drunk driver and he couldn’t show emotion not even to his kids. His eldest daughter claimed that he would cry when he’s sure he is alone because he tended to bottled up “weak emotions.” I remember her brother shouting at him during the wake because he believed his Brother-in-law wasn’t upset over the loss.
i don’t know if this story is going to show that type of event happening between Scavina and Helina but with how much you have showed us about the character interaction between the daughter and her mother, I wouldn’t be surprised.