This will be the last flashback of the chapter, I promise! Also, if you drop by the site on Saturday, Oct 31st, there might just be a little something here to celebrate Halloween… nothing fancy, mind, but I can’t just let the occasion slip away without doing something fun!
Nice ellipse in Panel 2.
awww.. I kinda like the flashbacks!
Oh, and I just noticed, isn’t that wrench-like tool thingy [technical term there!] rather like the wrench-thing that Dave Bowman used to pop HAL’s memory modules?
I love the flashbacks!
Maybe I missed it, but what exactly was the purpose behind the extensible pole used earlier?
J. Wilde, I believe that Vessa was using it to help get the access panel to the core open.
Oh boy…another flashback!
Sorry I’m so late in commenting–there was a fantasy book of some importance released that occupied my entire Tuesday.
“Maybe I missed it, but what exactly was the purpose behind the extensible pole used earlier?”
It’s freaking cool, that’s what!
Silicon: Actually, the wrench-like tool is based on a multi-tool we have kicking around our house. I, uh, thought it looked neat? Now I gotta go look up 2001 clips…
J Wilde: The pole is basically a bunch of sensors that you can extend into various places you can’t otherwise reach or wouldn’t want to reach, like underwater or something. And then it packs up nice and small. Vessa was sticking the probe in there in part to see if it was safe to crawl into. And yeah, it’s meant to be cool.
Insectoid: C’mon, share– which book was it?
Always looking for good stuff to read!
John and Emilyrin: Thank you!
Tara: The Gathering Storm (book 12 of The Wheel of Time), by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson.
Insectoid: Does it live up to the rest of the series?
Insectoid, we were just talking about that book this past weekend! I’ve not read any Robert Jordan (I was warned early on not to start until the series was finished… of course that was back when we thought it would be a trilogy… still waiting…) but I like Sanderson’s stuff. What’s the verdict?
Tara: It’s great! I suppose waiting to read the books until the series is finished (which at this point is probably late 2011, with book 14) will save you from the agony of the “can’t wait until the next book” twitches.
And Wendy, yes, it does.