UPDATE January 13: I’m really sorry about this, folks. I got the flu shortly before New Year’s and 2 weeks later I’m finally over the worst of it. Still coughing, though. This was a rough year for the flu. I’m not quite back to normal but enough to get back to drawing and colouring. I’m gonna need another week, but next Tuesday I promise the new page will be ready.
Is this a sign that maybe we can just all get along after all?
These past two weeks have afforded me frustratingly little time to work on Galaxion (barely got this page coloured on time!), and given that the holidays are likely to be no better, I think the sanest course of action is to tell you all to look for the next update– a new page, cross your fingers!– on January 13th.
I do hope you all enjoy your holidays, and thank you so much for reading!
Glad you got this page in, at least. Looking forward to next year!
Yay! Jingle bells for everyone! =D
Hurray for getting along! Captain Mierter may not have been prepared for the specific disaster that struck, but she’s handling the aftermath superbly.
Happy holidays, and see you next year!
I think this is one of the best pages I’ve read here.
Well done.
Achievement Unlocked: Alpha Female Truce.
Merry Christmas and Happy 2015 for you, your family and all the fellow readers!!
Ooh. Lapel pip. Nice touch.
I suspect the admiral is full of “comforting thoughts”.
January 13th. Aye aye!
Happy holidays, Tara et al.
How in the world did this page get misfiled?
OK, so that’s Fusella and Scavina bonded as a leadership team. Now all they need to do is fix the ship, work out what’s happening to those infected by the Miesti, work out how to jump back to Alternative-Earth, rescue the crew of Hiawatha including Scavina’s long-lost husband, rescue the Miesti, and jump back to Original-Earth. Which still leaves the question of how the Myradi fit into the plot.
Too swamped for a new page?
‘next update– a new page, cross your fingers!– on January 13th.’
Perhaps you didn’t cross enough fingers, Deb?
Pages happen when they happen. The Universe
has a particularly nasty, twisted, sense of humor.
Or at least… my Universe does…
Keeping body and soul alive long enough to produce
new content, would be my higher priority too.
I tried crossing toes too, but they just would not stay crossed.
Really I was hoping there was a new page both for my entertainment and as that would mean the move went swimmingly and time was plentiful. Yeah right, how possible was that?
Anyhow, I will try to cross as many digits as I can for next Tuesday and really I am crossing them that Tara has the time as I know she really enjoys spending time on Galaxion.
I’ve been crossing my eyes. It’s worked out okay so far except for all the bumping into doors.
Health is more important than comics. I am sure we will all survive. Take care of yourself
Urgh. Sorry to hear that you also had the plague that has been going around this season. Most everyone I know who got it this year has been sick for about 2 weeks and then had a lingering cough
but I’m glad to hear you are feeling better now! We will wait impatiently here for your new comic!
Is there supposed to be a page visible? Because I don’t see one.
Er… yes? I can see it, but is anyone else having problems?
Well, seems it’s just me. As I a) don’t have a problem with other pages and b) other browsers do work ok for me on this page, I’ll take it for a weird glitch between Web and this page.