Sorry about the somewhat blurry image of my table in the background. But, you know, we were all running from the Daleks.
Seriously, the Ottawa Comiccon was a great event. I sold out of my entire box full of Galaxion books by early Saturday evening. And here I thought I’d overpacked! So many people came by who’d never seen Galaxion before, but were delighted to have the chance to give it a try. If I met you at the show for the first time, welcome! I hope you’ll enjoy watching the story unfold.
Being so close to Quebec, there were a lot a folks there who spoke French, more than I typically encounter at a con. I got a kick out of listening to them pronounce “Galaxion” as though it were a French word. I got the feeling some of them were disappointed when they picked up a copy of one of the books, only to discover it was in English…
As I mentioned in the comic’s commentary last week, I was indeed perilously close to the Dalek base at the Ottawa Comiccon. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many in one place! In fact, they were one of the fun experiences of the show, and hats off to the fellows behind this group. They would, several times in the day, emerge from their lair and swarm around the con floor, instructing humans in perfectly-synthesized voices to make way for the Daleks, and occasionally complimenting those attendees in electric wheelchairs for their fine taste in transportation. They always got a laugh and a smile, and were constantly followed around by cosplaying Doctors. It must have been a lot of work, and I applaud them.
There were even more fun things to see, such as the parade of Star Wars themed Lego Minifig cosplayers, but sadly I missed most of them due to being busy selling books and buttons and things.
It was raining somewhat when it was time to pack up and go, but as a lovely endcap to our day Mother Nature treated us to several lovely rainbows to send us on our way back home.
Well done Ottawa Comiccon! I have already signed up for next year’s show.