Sorry about the extra week’s delay! But hopefully back on track now after the break.
Sorry about the extra week’s delay! But hopefully back on track now after the break.
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“You should have no trouble doing that.”
Storywriter shorthand for “Things are about to go wrong.”
Hm… now, who among the crew has a habit of wandering off…?
What could possibly go wrong??
But… what about the GAH!
I might be biased from reading this one page every fortnight, but the transition from the previous page to this one seems a bit abrupt. Last page they were sitting indoors (well; in a shuttle with no windows) and last panel they all got shocked in some unspecified way; this page they are suddenly outdoors, walking around some garden? It could be an idea to add at least some panel clarifying the transition (unless this page is all some kind of VR illusion that the Myradi use to keep the offworld aliens contained).
So, is the counselor the first on-page appearance of a Myradi?
No, I think she is the assistant to the human ambassador.
Not sure where to put this, but I just wanted to say that I love this webcomic (I discovered it relatively recently). If you ever wanted to start a patreon I would love to give it (I prefer patreon because that way I don’t have to go through paypal). In the meantime, thank you for sharing this story with us!
Yeahhhhh….Unless you fit these guys with shock collars, they gonna cross the perimeter. Jus sayin
Okay, that *is* a nice place. I especially like the touch of wysteria! Wysteria can make any place a home.