Speaking as the artist, I am so glad to be out of that engine room. Give me some of those nice easy corridors, that’s the stuff.
Speaking as the artist, I am so glad to be out of that engine room. Give me some of those nice easy corridors, that’s the stuff.
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Time for another awkward moment! XD
A wild handsome man appeared!
Tara, you need to complain to the writer. By coincidence, her first name is also Tara!
For some reason, I have the feeling that Aria just might pick up on the mysterious concern just hinted at, even without him intending her to know. We’ve been led to believe she isn’t picking up on thoughts lately, but still…
Then again, it may just be an awkward personal meeting and exchange.
She thinks he is cute. She is a mess and was about to go shower (hence the undressing in the hallway). I foresee there being personal awkwardness aplenty. The captain is trying to play matchmaker between the two of them, but I don’t think even she could make things go like they are about to.
To add to that, he may be paranoid about her being still telepathic.
Undressing in public may lead people to wrong conclusions…
And such pretty corridors they are, too!