Yeah, I think Scavina’s done now.
Last week, reader Silvercat wrote in the comments that there is now a TVTropes page for Galaxion! If you’re not familiar with the TVTropes wiki, be warned– you can lose whole days wandering happily through the various entries. Anyway, the floor has been opened for you to add to it any tropes you eagle-eyed readers may have spotted while combing the Galaxion archives. Hand Waving, anyone?
…What does she know that we don’t?
…or what does she think she knows?
Either way, her being where she is constitutes a game-changer.
Yeah ! I think that’s a little strange that she comes to a conclusion like that whe she hasn’t even asked the most important question- HOW do they do this? What is the means by which these Mieste take control of their unwilling hosts?
It’s not so strange if she thinks he’s spinning her a story to keep her down in the tunnels, away from their ship, away from medical help, and away from searching for Jeff.
Or if Scavina is ready to write it all off as “local superstition”. From her perspective, she’s seeing a post-holocaust society that has not bothered to rebuild – who knows what beliefs they’ve come up with to justify their static and fearful lifestyle?
She might even consider Vanguarthe to be a cult leader, peddling a myth about alien body-snatchers to keep his flock under control.
It IS strange, because that would be a good way to debunk the myth. Obviously, something is happening, and nobody seems very curious about it or willing to provide details. STRANGE.
Oops! The post accidentally went up without the attached commentary. It’s there now.
What does Scavina know?
The answer to that is obvious–SHE HAS ALREADY BEEN INFECTED BY THE MIESTI SCUM!!!111onesevelevelenv~!!11onety-one
Hi! I found your site a few weeks ago via Chris Baldwin’s Spacetrawler, and spent many hours I should have spent working catching up to here, greedily consuming the main story and various prequels and asides. Love the story, characters, and artwork! If I am, at this point, reduced to desperately hanging in there for that page-a-week fix, well, it’s worth it.
I’ve been a fan of SF since I was a kid in the 60s, but I’m pretty new to webcomics (apart from political stuff like Ted Rall, Tom Tomorrow, et. al.) I’m not a big fan of anime/manga, but I really like the way you incorporate anime elements for levity, without the relentless hyper-cuteness of most of the genre. Your use of different framing devices to weave together literal/flashback/stream-of-consciousness levels is innovative and a real pleasure.
Permission to board? Make it so! Thanks!