“Reep Reep Reep” is never a good noise. Well, not on a space ship, at least. If you were hanging out by a pond it might be a frog, I suppose.
Update on the mail situation, for those who have or wish to place orders: Canada Post is still having labour disputes. Let’s cross our fingers that this will all be resolved by next week, so we can get back to business! I’ll make a proper announcement for Book 2 when things are finally settled.
Nothing to do with comics, but there’s a new blog post below! Do you geocache?
But I thought you weren’t supposed to fear the REEPer!
No, no. That’s a beeper with a lisp !
Oh no! Aria’s transformed into a REEP REEP REEP!
Could it be that whoever trashed this world just sent a patrol insystem?
Thinking something other than normal situation here, but depends on what “REEP REEP!” means…
Could be previously hidden ground-based missiles for all we know.
I thought we’d get more dialogue here. Maybe static-interrupted conversation. THEN *reep reep reep*. *Le sigh*
Are you in fact at ALA? I can’t seem to find you!