I can’t quite shake the mental image of a whole bunch of people checking their webcomic feeds this morning, taking in the new page, and shouting AAAAAAAAARGH!
As frustrating as it may be to realize I’m leaving you all hanging on the proverbial cliff, you’ll just have to take my word for it that in the long run, this way is better. Chapter Seven will be the webcomic equivalent of issue #5 from the old edition, also known as the “Meanwhile…” issue. It remains one of my favourite single issues, so you can probably imagine how much I’m looking forward to the upcoming chapter. It’s a bit of a break from the main plot, a chance to collectively catch our breath. And it’s got Fusella in it, which is all the reason anyone needs to sit back and enjoy. *hands $5 to Fusella, waiting behind the chair*
Plus, you only have a few days to wait til the next page! See you Tuesday.
Every girl crazy ’bout a sharp-dressed man.
Hey, I’m happy to wait just a couple of days for the next episode. Would that it were always the case.
Well, there he is.
ROFL at Fusella looking over your shoulder. And yes, I’m sure we’ll see plenty of Fu (and Darvin) in the next chapter!
::waves at Fusella::
:: waves back at Insectoid and goes to practice her lines for the next chapter ::
That’s an excellent chapter ending. Looking forward to getting back on the Galaxion on Tuesday.
If I’d had to wait a whole week for that it would have been a letdown.
But we get to see fearless leader (at last !)
Yay !
I think I like the Tara/Fusella team up better than today’s update :-p
– Kev
I agree with you, Kev. But then, well, it’s ME
How can you go wrong???
man you are SUCH a tease
Pitch a FIT? Pitch a FORK, more like. Do you really think you can… Wait, Fu? Really? Tuesday, you say? Er, um.
Carry on.
M. Northstar, you rock! Extra cookie for you!
Since you asked for it….AAAARRRRGGGGG!!!!
Okay, now that we’ve gotten that out of our (my?) system, I agree with Fred that it’s a good chapter ending. The tattoos are interesting. Do they mean anything in their language (they are slightly similar to the language script)? He has a strong Native American thing going for him. Interesting.
I also agree with Kev in that I like the Tara/Fusella team up. Thanks for that.
Well, they’re where New Zealand is on Earth — those facial tattoos are very similar to the old traditional tattoos of the Maori.
Oh dear.
This is about to go all Janeway/Chatokay, isn’t it.
Wait, have we seen that guy before?
Belated “BWAH!”
Welp, that guy certainly catches the eye. Towering well over 6′, with extravagant ta moko and a nice jacket besides.