I hope this page gives a little satisfaction to those among you who’ve been feeling a tad fed up with Carl lately.
Are you a pre-webcomic reader of Galaxion? If so, you may be able to help me with a minor mystery. I recall having written about the Galaxion’s– I mean the actual ship here–backstory, a little throwaway line that Fusella likely uttered about why the ship is so unusual. The problem is, I can’t locate where this was. It may have been somewhere in the 13 issues of the comic series, or it may even have been in the earlier minicomics from the mid-’90s. It’s possible I’m completely mistaken and this line I’m remembering got cut out of a script or something, but my two most valuable Galaxion readers (my husband David and Galaxion’s co-creator Wendy ) also seem to remember it, so that makes me think it might be in the old pages somewhere. Does this sound familiar to you? If you think you know what I’m talking about, I would be very grateful if you could drop me a note. (It’s no big deal if I don’t end up finding it– this is just an itch I’ve been trying to scratch for days!)
“Prepare to Carl?” Is that some new procedure? I don’t think we practiced for tha…
***Ker-Carl!! ***
*thumbs up*
@Tara: I remember reading something like that too, but I don’t remember where, either. Perhaps it was in the Galaxion Retrospective?
So far, you could probably say that Something Went Wrong and be 100% correct.
So busy doing his job as best he could that he forgot to watch out for things he ought to be ducking…
Not so much “unreliable narrator” as “unconscious narrator”.
I also recall reading a line or two about why the Galaxion is such an unusual ship. I can’t quite remember where it was, though. I don’t know if this is pertinent, but I feel as though it involved Fusella giving a tour of the ship after an overhaul?
Kevin, that’s what I thought, too… which would’ve put it in issue #1 of either the minis or the comic books. But I didn’t find it when I went looking. It’s maddening!
There’s a line at the end of the prologue in the old graphic novel about “a second ship of unprecedented structure”. And on page 141 of that book, there’s the statement that the Galaxion was designed and commissioned by a wealthy naturalist, thus explaining the shape of the craft.
Yes, that’s the one! My readers are awesome. Seriously, this was so frustrating– thank you for helping me out!
Damn. Just damn. Usually when piping starts falling from the overhead that’s a bad thing. Of course, since the pipes that are falling could be filled with anything including but not limited to high pressure gasses, superheated fluids, cryogenic fluids, very flammable high pressure hydraulic oil, radioactive fluids and so on, getting hit with one is probably the least of your worries.
Carl got hit on his head repeatedly during landing? … this might explain some things
unfortunately he did not say something like “I was mostly unconscious, person xxx could explain this much better, let me take you to him”… I hope this is just me being pessimistic…
@J.Wilde: Hopefully the Hiawatha doesn’t use pipes filled with superheated plasma as their primary power system like the Enterprise does…
Yeah, that would be a level of bad right up there with ‘crossing the streams.’
As far as the unusual ship design comment, was it referring to the Galaxion’s origin as a private ship, owned/designed by some sort of naturalist? Hence the shell shape. And Fusella said something about how no one wanted such an oddball ship, which is why/how she ending up getting her own command. The scene I’m thinking of is either from the first chapter of the comic series (when she and Aria meet up with Zan and Darvin) or one of the scenes where she’s reminiscing with Aria/having a flashback about when Aria joined up.
Unfortunately, my copies are currently on another continent, so I cannot exactly check….
Was it in the “Fusella’s story so far” pages that used to be on Girlamatic?
Or how about in the Darvin retrospective?
That was the page I was thinking of too. That area is so messy. I can’t find Fusella’s recap either.
Hmm… well, it’s not in the “Galaxion Novel” you posted a while back, so I’m stumped.
Got it! Malnisst is close, it is a reminiscence, but Aria’s, not Fusella’s: Galaxion Vol 1, pg. 141.
…Designed and commissioned by a wealthy naturalist, the Galaxion became the laughingstock of the fleet for its odd shape and outdated engines…
Was that the line you’re looking for?
YES! I knew I wasn’t just imagining it! *collapses in relief* Andrew, you have completely saved my sanity. You earn the Reader of the Month award. Thank you!
::pokes through Black Book:: Well I’ll be… I just knew I’d read it somewhere!! Thanks!