This is the penultimate page for Chapter Five! Come back on Friday (it’s First Friday of the Month this week) to see what Carl’s answer is going to be.
This weekend, June 5-6, I’ll be at Toronto Comicon! I don’t know any more details yet about where my table will be, but if I find out before Friday I will be sure to post it. I hope to see some of you there.
And of course– how you could you miss it– this fancy new site! Please check out the blog post below for more details.
Heh… what a talkative fellow!
Great new site layout – very fresh!
Is that Luke Skywalker in the right of the first panel, partially obscured by the text?
Will you be selling original art at the Comicon this weekend, Tara?
Luke Skywalker??
Actually, I had something more Voyageur-ish in mind when I was inventing clothes for that just-an-extra guy, but I can see where you’re coming from.
I will indeed have original art for sale this weekend. Mostly what I tend to bring is art from the first chapter, just because I can’t possibly carry all 150+ pages. If you have specific pages you’re interested in looking at, just let me know and I’ll be sure to take them along.
On a related note, I hope to make pages available for sale through the website soon.
That look on Scavina’s face in panel 3 is still making me giggle.