If Vessa’s comment seems a bit cryptic, you can refer back to this page, and maybe a little of this page. And you can just extrapolate from there….
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That first panel is a bit mad scientist. Haha.
Does the general really want to know what happened to her comrades or is there some sort of evil top secret military angle going on here?
I suspect she might be curious as to what happened to her husband as much as or more than the other crewmembers.
Obnoxious technical question here:
are the displays made of some kind of thin film? They look like they got torn and peeled away in parts.
Arcalian– What? Evil top secret military angle? I have no comment.
Well, OK, here’s my comment: Scavina needs to know the fate of the Hiawatha as much as the fate of the crew. She’s hoping the ship logs can answer all her questions.
J Wilde– Ah, well, I do my best to duck out of any technical question if I can help it, haha! I’ve learned the hard way that anything I come up with will inevitably end up sounding like technobabble. FWIW, a thin film is one interpretation that would work. But the bottom line is, for whatever reason the screen isn’t working properly.
The filmy-screen also made me wonder…. It’d be cool, though. You could roll up your screen and bring it anywhere you wanted to, and just paste it on the wall.
I dont know what it’s called or how it works, but I want one! I’m an electronics tech and I really want Zandarins multi tool!
Various companies have been trying to make “smart paper” for years now. Not to mention assorted highly non-standard video display screens. I seem to remember regular IRC sessions with a guy who worked at a company specializing in exactly this sort of user interface tech. Making it workable, practical and affordable.
Wondering if the new Trek movie might not be an example of the degree of success of such companies…?
And in the decade and change since then, we now have see-through screens for real, starting with Star Trek: Discovery!
Is that a Sonic Screwdriver? oh my…
Hah! I’ll bet Zan wishes it were a Sonic Screwdriver! His tools may be cool, but they’re not THAT cool.