My intention is to have this page upload at 9am EST, but I’ll be honest and say I really have no idea what timezone my WordPress is set to, and when my pages actually go live. Up til now it hasn’t really been an issue, as long as it’s been consistent. But for this, I wanted to make sure to wait until after the show opened here in Toronto. My apologies if you came along in the morning only to find it didn’t actually post until the afternoon or something. I won’t be able to check myself until the evening.
This single-page short story was originally published in the TCAF 2011 show booklet. I guess you could say this little scene happens concurrently with the plot. In fact, it could easily slip right in between the events of last Tuesday’s page and next Tuesday’s page (coming soon). Enjoy!
Now THAT makes perfect sense to me !
When in doubt, whack it until it behaves.
Love the color ! (Don’t worry, I still love the black and white too!)
Heh, if duct tape can’t fix it then a hammer will! One of my cousins has an older tv in his room and occasionally it fizzes out when we’re all playing Mario Cart and whoever is closest (usually me) has to go up and whack the tv. Fun times. XD
Hm, it _can_ be a good idea to look for the real problem: In the last days I resorted to whacking my monitor because it seemed to lose its red cannon (yes, I still got a CRT). Yesterday I found out it was actually a problem of the cable … Still, nice to see Galaxion in colour! – Ad Astra, JuL
LOL!! I guess it doesn’t matter whether you’re the captain of the Galaxion or the Millennium Falcon… whacking things usually helps.
Great job coloring, Tara!
Am I dating myself when I say I first thought of The Fonz (and not Han) when Fu hit the panel? All we need now are little musical notes drifting across the bridge!
I couldn’t help but think of the Fonz too, when I was drawing this. Or did he just snap his fingers?
No, I clearly remember him smacking the juke box. Girls tended to appear when he snapped his fingers, I think. I’m not sure what Fu would do if she achieved a similar effect!
I’ll go even further back: Andy Griffith in No Time for Sergeants, 1958. At imdb:
“Turn it around, spit in the back, and bang it on the top.”
Yeah, I’m old.
…I suppose it’s dating myself, in the opposite direction, that I immediately thought of Spike Spiegel.
The color choices for the ship are a lot better than what I was attempting
While I was trying to come up with a colour scheme for the bridge I was certainly thinking of how much it frustrated you, Fes.
People are easy to color.
Um… Why is Darvin wearing a TerSA uniform here?
… now THAT must be some story!
Oh, wait; I missed that they’re all wearing the same uniforms for this project. Nevermind.