By a fun coincidence, this page in which the Galaxion crew wonders about robots happens to go up just as many high school students (and their teachers and mentors) from around the world are preparing to compete in the FIRST Robotics World Championships. Every year I continue to be amazed at what these kids can build and do, and watching their robots do their thing is super exciting. Please wish Team 188 out of Woburn Collegiate in Scarborough, ON good luck in St Louis!
“Messy Hair” Aria is so cute aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Congrats to team 188, Blizard! Hope they do well at champs.
My son’s old team, 1519, Mechanical MAYHEM will be there, too.
What’s the point of a robot competition? They get to play with robots! That means they’ve already won!
Good point
I think Aria’s “experiment” would be considered a success here.
I think Aria just used a magic word and most of us (I didn’t either) caught on now. Now to the archive to figure out whether she used it in the past.
Congratulations on making Worlds!
“Jobbing Party.”
To the uninitiated, it sounds like how “Field Day” sounds. Something fun and exciting. A lark. Until: