EDIT 3 Nov 2015: Hey folks, I’m not sure why the new page (386) didn’t post when it was supposed to. I’m working on solving the problem…
I guess it’s a date.
EDIT 3 Nov 2015: Hey folks, I’m not sure why the new page (386) didn’t post when it was supposed to. I’m working on solving the problem…
I guess it’s a date.
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About time he asked her out.
It’s only been on the cards since (quickly checks the archive) mid-2007.
Longer if you’ve been reading the previous versions.
It’s a trap!
…he just wants to talk about Fusella and Scavina.
Wow. Even at, what, thirty? He still runs away like some love stricken teen.
He did say on the previous page he had to run off to a meeting… But, I specifically wanted to avoid having Darvin look like he’s running away giggling like, as you say, a teenager. Are other people interpreting it this way? Should I change the panel?
I think that’s only a side-effect of the slow delivery of web-comics.
If you read the two pages one after another it reads fine.
To me, it comes across as if he’s super-busy but that arranging the date was more important to him than being on time to his meeting.
Life. LOVE. Hyperspace. It’s fine.
Believe it or not, guys get excited when a girl says she will dine with you. Leave the panel as is!!!
Nothing like some post-funeral wooing :p