Someone will probably complain that Scavina really ought to have the emergency exits committed to memory. And that someone is probably right. And then the guy she asks for directions is the one person present who hasn’t been on the ship any longer than she has. (I bet Darvin would have been able to tell her, though.)
It took this to get Fusella and Scavina to work together. Very nice. Yes, Scavina probably should know where the emergency access shaft is but, even if she did know, she will still need someone like Fusella to guide her to Engineering as quickly as possible.
And that’s assuming that the emergency access shafts haven’t, you know, been moved from where Fusella remembers them being.
Go the Fusella / Scavina team!
Picked this SWAG Item up in a Geocache container today – Polkemmet Cult – GC4VN3Q
Wow, that’s amazing!
I’ve never even been to the UK. Thanks for dropping by the site, and I hope you got a chance to enjoy some of the story!
For anyone else who may be confused, Tristan is referring to a button (I think) that I make to trade in geocache containers, on which the Galaxion website appears. I blogged about geocaching a few years ago, and I still get out on the hunt from time to time. You can learn more about geocaching at
There’s an outside possibility that it’s a beaded dangle, since my SWAG also has this website on it.
the look on Fuseela’s face says it all I can imagine her saying ‘ come along you idiot’ XD heheh
Why didn’t Fusella smack down Nelson the page prior? She saw this coming and was patient. Timing is everything in a mental slap.
Because she cares more about her people and her ship than counting coup.
Yes, smack a Superior who is also a trained soldier who can easily kick your ass. NOT a smart move.
I am totally in love with final-panel-Fusella.
Does this emergency make Fusella the captain again?