If you’re wondering who Vanguarthe is, Carl mentions him towards the end of Chapter Six, and we see him for the first time a couple pages later.
In the interests of sanity, I will have to take an updating break until the first Tuesday in September. It will not actually be a break from comics as I plan to keep on working as much as possible, but the many events of the summer have depleted my buffer of finished pages more than I predicted, and I need to fill that up again before the school year begins.
During this time I’ll be at FanExpo, August 25-28, so please come look for me! I’ll be sharing an endcap table space in Artist Alley with Crystal Yates of the webcomic Earthsong. We’re space number A60, and we’re listed in the program guide as “Tomgeeks”. The floor map of the show is enormous (yikes!), but I took the relevant bit and put a circle around it so you can locate us. Basically, if you find the Marvel and Warner Brothers booths, we’re right nearby.
I will be bringing a selection of original pages to sell ($100, with rare exceptions), but if you are coming to the show and there is a particular one you’re interested in, let me know and I will be sure to bring it and set it aside for you. Similarly, if you want a sketch– I mean 8.5″ x 11″ inked ones, not the little head sketches I put in books, those are always free– drop me a line with the details of which character you’d like and I’ll be able to make something in advance much nicer than what I can generally manage during the show. My email link is on the right sidebar.
So I hope to see you at FanExpo if you’re in town, but if not please come back for the next update on September 6th– which will also be Galaxion’s Fifth Webcomic Anniversary! Holy cow!
Elly: “Vanguarthe? Yeah, about him…”
Nooooooooo… don’t go away! ::marks date on calendar::
Well, your sanity is pretty gosh-darned important, but so is the (creaking) plot, and it looks like we’re getting somewhere at last on this mysterious planet ! (also marks date on calendar)
Take the time. Get buffered. Take time out. Enjoy life. We’ll wait very patiently.
(Prints September, marks date with arrows, frames sheet, and hangs on wall next to fake master’s degree.)
WHAT! After I took care of your kids for a week. Sniffle, sniffle.
Enjoy the summer, go geocaching.
Tara people like you … cause me to wonder if I shouldn’t visit Canada during FanExpo time.
Seriously, I even caught myself looking up flight shedules. Oh well, one day, when I’m rich. >.< Hope you have a nice time off! (Even if it isn`t really a time off
Thank you! I hope you get to come up here eventually, and maybe when I’m rich, I can get fly out to a con near you!
Yay!! I’m from Germany, but mostly anywhere in Europa would be fine
Just how much time actually passed between both jumps? I ask because these two look older than the Galaxion crew.
The Hiawatha was lost– or, “jumped”– ten years ago. So yes, they’re older, and have probably also had a particularly hard ten years.
Good point.