And that’s the last we’re going to see of the contentious cat for awhile.
This weekend I’ll be at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival, also known as TCAF! I always have such a wonderful time at this show– I wish you could all come. There should be a floor map up on the TCAF site soon (and there will be a paper map handed out to attendees), but I can tell you I’ll be on the second floor at table #212, near the stage/window. Close to where I was last year, in fact, but on the other end of the row.
You may be wondering, since this is the first week of May, about the First Friday of the Month update. Yes, there will be one, but it’ll be a little bit different this time! You may recall two years ago TCAF put together a comic for Free Comic Book Day (FCBD is also happening this weekend in comic shops everywhere), for which they invited the attending artists to submit a one-page comic. I took the opportunity to create the first full-colour Galaxion page. It was pretty cool to see it in print! This year the TCAF organizers are doing something similar, although the finished book, I’m told, is supposed to be more along the lines of a program guide. And once again I came up with a one-page story, and then did my best to colour it. Exciting! I know it’s not the next page in the story, but I hope you’ll enjoy it as a special First Friday update. Maybe it’ll be a consolation prize for those of you who can’t make it to TCAF to see the printed version (although I suspect the printed version will be small, so the online version may end up being easier to read).
There’s one small catch, though… we’ve been asked not to spoil the surprise by posting the artwork before the show. So I’m going to wait until Saturday at 9:30AM EST to let the page go live. So just this once, please come back on SATURDAY for the next update!
LOL!! Kitty knows a scratching post when he sees one.
Saturday you say? Can do!