Well, it’s good to know that no matter how grim the situation is, you can still laugh about it.
See you back on Tuesday!
Well, it’s good to know that no matter how grim the situation is, you can still laugh about it.
See you back on Tuesday!
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Zan is fixing his probe, I’m guessing?
He’s tinkering with it. It’s like a reflex– put a non-working gizmo in his hands, and he automatically starts taking it apart. Heck, he’d probably do that to working gizmos as well, if you give him half a chance.
Agreed! Like you said, he can’t leave well enough alone.
Zan is the sort of person who can’t sit still. I think his hands tinker without conscious direction of his brain.
What a scary thought!
Aria seems to run the spectrum of emotional expressiveness in this installment.
Also, for having narrowly escaped a pair of lunatics armed with gardening implements who literally appeared out of nowhere, and who just tried to turn them into fertilizer, the landing party appears rather incautious at the moment. No one is keeping watch. Patty is in pain and preoccupied with that. Vessa seems to have run out of steam after tending to Patty’s injury. Zan is busy tinkering with his broken probe. Aria is maudlin about how nothing is working out the way she thought it would, and the one person who would be most likely to recognize the need for a little perimeter security is busy with some moody wool-gathering of her own.
I guess if the script calls for them to get ambushed again, you’ve set it up nicely!
Let me interrupt with an art related comment.
I really like the effect of the gray tone background elements on this page.
Well done Tara!
Would you consider Aria’s sigh in panel two to be melodic? (inside joke)
Hi, remember a while back you said it was okay to use your characters in a cameo scene of my webcomic, Epic Fail. Well I finally finished it (!) and you can see Patty (in her crazy hat!) in the crowd here: http://epicfail.xepher.net/2010/03/07/webcomic-cameos-completed/
Feel free to use the image and wallpaper on your own site or as you wish!
Also, I’m getting my first 30 pages made up into a printed comic book. Can I include your cameo in this (you will get given credit)?
Finally, would you be a real star and add me to your links page. I’ll return the favor. Cheers!
J. Wilde: Actually, I could make an argument that Scavina is watching their back trail for pursuit. Since they have just come up a steep cliff, she is looking back “down” in the direction from which they came. But, yeah, she looks tired and less than alert.
@J: Yes, Scavina is watching (to a degree, anyway), as Wendy said. And the Galaxion is watching. But to be fair, the last time they got ambushed they were paying attention and it didn’t help much.
@Jeff: Thanks!
@Chris: Could be, could be… on this page, though, Fusella’s dialogue is also perhaps melodic (and a total Foglio swipe!).
@amuletts: I got you linked on this page! I’ll be sure to add you to the Hat Page as well.
Titan A.E. ref.
“I built it in my sleep. It seems I used [plutonium], highly unstable… I put a button on it. I want to push it, but I’m not sure what will happen if I do…”
Considering this was all said by a “turtle” in a labcoat who had to use one hand to hold back his button-pushing finger, it bears repeating.