Oh, there’s Fusella! Welcome back to the plot, dear, I know how– ahem– patient you’ve been.
I could also note for any Zan fans out there, we’ll be seeing a lot more of him from this point on.
Oh, there’s Fusella! Welcome back to the plot, dear, I know how– ahem– patient you’ve been.
I could also note for any Zan fans out there, we’ll be seeing a lot more of him from this point on.
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Ok, I’ve just read all the archives. Bravo!
I’m going to go buy the old comics on ebay, unless there’s a way I can end up paying you for them, Mrs. Tallan.
Hi Galen! I still have copies of all the old comics, and I sell them at conventions, but I don’t have an online “store” set up yet. If you’re interested in buying them from me, drop me a line at galaxion at rogers dot com, and we’ll work something out!
People keep asking. You really need to get that store set up!!! Beautiful page, as always.
Hi Tara, I have gone ahead and sent an email to that address, did you get it?
Hi everyone,
My name is Freddy and I’ve wasted nearly a month of my life on this place
I found it after being recommended by a few friends who have been hanging out here for quite some time.
I am a writer, graphics artist, photographer and just about anything else that comes up around the office. Aside from the above interests i’m really into scifi as I know that is so much more out there to be discovered, and a feeling that the universe is just teaming with life.
Well, I hope that I get to know more people here, share some experience and start learning. Have a greay day!