Yeah, I know, not much to look at on this page. That’s just the way it goes sometimes. Next week, Chapter 2 begins! With multiple panels and everything!
Yeah, I know, not much to look at on this page. That’s just the way it goes sometimes. Next week, Chapter 2 begins! With multiple panels and everything!
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My old issues of *Galaxion* are packed up and out of reach at the moment, but either my memory is misfiring or you have redesigned the starship.
Am I correct in this assessment?
I did redesign the ship! It’s just one of those small changes I made when I relaunched the story for the webcomic. It went from snail shell to stylized nautilus. The Galaxion is still an unusual shape in their fleet, though, as the Stationmaster in the “A Matter of Principle” short story implied when he called it a “bauble”.
Ah, the spiral ship, that’s one of the details I remember still, even after years of not reading the comic. I love the unique design!