This page went live a wee bit late this week (purely due to absent-mindedness), my apologies to anyone who went looking for it early and didn’t find it!
This page went live a wee bit late this week (purely due to absent-mindedness), my apologies to anyone who went looking for it early and didn’t find it!
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No worries on that score.
And we’re seeing the shell-shock starting to wear off. Good.
It’s time to be a Captain…
…and when Scavina gets knocked out, to take back control…
Take back control? Why? The better commander is in control right now, I’ve got to say.
OK I was wrong, the captain really was freaked out and overwhelmed, and even now is reacting incorrectly by wanting to do things herself.
“a med tech with search and rescue training”? Who on Galaxion’s crew matches that description? Is Tara going to send Patty into danger, again?
Why do people have a need for the captain to take control from the general. So far, the general’s doing her job, while the captain is not. Indeed, Scavina IS showing she’s got her priorities straight.
At this point, I see a plot device coming in to remove the general from play so that the captain is forced into the foreground. Because as long as Scavina’s there, she’ll overshadow Fusella, as she has so far.
And honestly? To me, Fusella is more of an important, but still secondary, character. Scavina has much more to do with the plot. She headed the team that found out about the aliens, has been clearly making command decisions, most of which we’ve visually seen discussed, her husband was the head of the FTL project and was leading the survivors of the ship…
Scavina is much more connected, and so far, well, Fusella is… really not connected.
So, I don’t know. I wouldn’t be too happy with Scavina being removed just so Fusella can shine. I really don’t care much about Fusella as things stand, not compared to Scavina.
I love, love LOVE this comic!
Back to the leadership debatte.