I think a lot of people in the Galaxioverse share Scavina’s skepticism about aliens. Which is odd, when you consider there’s a whole section of Terran Space Administration employees whose job it is to deal with aliens, just on the off chance they ever run into more of them.
Word on the Street will be this Sunday, Sept 25th, from 11am- 6pm in beautiful Queen’s Park in downtown Toronto. The weather (cross your fingers) should be fine, so if you’re in the neighborhood come on down and check out the fair! If you’re looking to pick up a copy of Galaxion Books 1 or 2 for your very own– and I’ll even personalize it for you and draw a sketch inside!– here’s where to find me:
I really hate being 3000 miles away.
Someday, someday…
Alt-Myradi was the first thing I thought of.
I am sincerely delighted that a number of you, in advance of the plot, came to the same conclusion as Scavina! Great minds, and all…
Myradi is a great name for the aliens, but that’s about all I know (except for what I just googled- that they will probably NOT look like feline-humanoids and that we really aren’t supposed to know much of anything about them.)
Well that’s good. We can’t have hello kitty aliens !
At some point I will probably be forced to admit that in the distant past– I’m talking decades, here– I did imagine the Myradi looked like feline-humanoids/Kzinti. There are even drawings, somewhere hopefully not online. But you can all breathe a sigh of relief, because I dropped that well-roasted chestnut a long time ago. What the Myradi look like now… is still a mystery! (To you, that is.
How about adding to the list of important characters in the FAQ pull-down?
-At least what we know about the Myradi and possibly other characters on the planet?
Well crap. XD And congrats on the fifth anniversary of the new version, and after hearing that it’s still not as far along as the older versions makes me really impressed at how you got the previous time.
If those Myradi can travel between realities, they would be immensely interested in a weakened alternative Earth to gain valuable intel about humans (weak spots, tech, behaviour in warfare, etc). It was probably a small warfleet which returned to Galaxiverse after their goals were met.
More likely these are the Myradi from this dimension. Just as this is another Earth, there’s bound to be another Myrad (or whatever their planet is called).
Well, Myradi or not, here they come!
Oh, I am lost now. So very lost. Well, not as lost as those people on Lost (without a plot and all).
If its any consolation, LOL has now been officially redesignated as Legion Of Lost !
Lost? But I provided a map and everything!
The fun of being lost is that you get to find your way! =B
Oh, no. Not the map. I meant the story. It’s a very well done map of a small section of Toronto. Which just happens to be in the U.S. (lol New Computer Overlords!)
If you’re lost now, wait until Jeff turns up, alive and well and working for the evil aliens…
Nnnnooooooooooo! ! ! That would be most horrible.
Heh. Heh. Heh.
On the last panel, Should the dialoge have a “Question Mark (?) ?