This is a multi-part update! Click through those little number boxes just below the image to see them all. Fan Artist Danny says:
Since my tendency is to build ships and not people, I wanted to do some pieces that actually featured The Galaxion. I tried to be reasonably faithful to your artwork in the comic, but I did run into the limitations of my skill. As much as I am a fan of smooth, circle-derived spiral shapes, I can’t pull them off too well when I have to build them manually. Still, it was rather enjoyable to build a spacecraft that looks substantially different from all the other designs out there currently.
When Danny first sent me these, I was so amazed! I know a lot of people work with various 3D builders, but they’re still a bit of foreign realm to me, so I’m impressed by it all. Perhaps seeing the characters rendered this way would creep me out, but I love looking at the ship! Beautiful. Thank you so much! Please check out more of Danny’s work.
Wow! Way cool!!
Yes, WAY cool! I always knew my ship put the rest of the TerSA fleet to shame (even if no one else did), These pictures just proove it!
Wait, wait! What direction is it going again?