Got some new fan art for you! Well, old new fan art– I originally published it in the back pages of issue #7. This piece, which always makes me chuckle, is by Scott Roberts. I knew him best for his comic series Patty-Cake (check it out in webcomic format!), but he also has done illustrations for Nickelodeon magazine and DC’s Cartoon Network comics. And, as I was delighted to recently discover, he is also doing a webcomic called Nan Teller! He’s amazingly talented– be sure to check out his stuff!
Uhh, I mean the adventurous spirit is good and all but if the military want to lock a place down are you sure you want to go wandering about there first!? Pretty risky game to play.
Ah, but the military (in the form of IP) hasn’t locked this place down. They’ve locked down that other, considerably more barren rock. They even told our heroes to go somewhere else — got it in writing, in fact.
Sure, IP (presumably) has a big ship with guns. But they only have that because they’re the military, and the great weakness of a military is that they have to follow The Rules. And in most civilized societies (or at least, most societies that stay civilized for any length of time), The Rules say that the military is Not Allowed to be vindictive trigger-happy jackasses — no matter how much they want to, and even if a bunch of smarmy nerds figured out where their objective was first and scooped them.
So IP can come lock that place down and shuffle everyone else off it later, once they’ve made the mental leap from “we got bad nav data that caused this one problem that is now fixed” to “we got bad nav data, which means we are in the wrong place and securing the wrong planetoid.” They may even be unamused at Fusella and her team’s entirely legal antics. But they can’t actually do anything to her for disobeying orders they never gave, or for violating secured areas that they never set up, because that would be against The Rules.